Logos for product labelling

There are different variants for the declaration of the certification body on packaging, labels and specialist shops. This design manual describes the possibilities of the declaration.  

Note: Only the certification marks made available on the Austria Bio Garantie' website may be used.

Bio Garantie
Bio Garantie
Download Version

You can find the templates in downloadable .jpg versions below.

You can download the certification marks in Romanian.

The blank logos need to be completed with the name of the country of origin. Please ensure that the size is adjusted after the download. 

Bio Garantie with EU organic logo
Bio Garantie with EU organic logo
Agriculture Romania
Bio Garantie with EU organic logo
Bio Garantie with EU organic logo
EU/non EU-Agriculture
Bio Garantie with EU organic logo
Bio Garantie with EU organic logo
Bio Garantie with EU organic logo
Bio Garantie with EU organic logo
Bio Garantie with EU organic logo
Bio Garantie with EU organic logo
To be completed with the name of the country of origin

Here you can see the possible variants of the EU Organic logo

When using the EU BIO logo, please note the conditions of the use: https://ec.europa.eu/info/food-farming-fisheries/farming/organic-farming/organic-logo_en

Coloured format
Coloured format
Downloadable here:
Black and white format
Black and white format
Downloadable here:
Negative format
Negative format
Downloadable here:

The client shall be entitled, after inspection and/or certification, to use the trademark logo (s) registered for Bio Garantie group to identify/label products and for advertising purposes.

In principle, the following shall apply:
The following illustrations are logos that are protected under trademark law. You may download the logos free of charge from bio-garantie.ro. In this instance, however, you undertake to use the logos in accordance with the relevant guidelines and directives, which will be verified during inspection. Any illegitimate use and any infringement may result in legal penalties.

Improper use of the trademark logos:
In case of malpractice or improper use of the trademark logos, the contracting parties shall first strive to reach an amicable solution. In the first occurrence of an infringement, Bio Garantie shall respond with a written warning, including reasonable corrective measures. In the event of further infringements or if an amicable solution cannot be reached, the client shall be required to pay a penalty in the amount of 10% (minimum amount € 1,000) of the turnover earned as a result of sales of the incorrectly labeled products. This fine shall not be subject to the judicial right of mitigation. Furthermore, Bio Garantie shall be entitled to terminate the inspection contract immediately and without notice if the trademark logo is used in a manner contrary to the contract.